Sushrut Brain and Spine wishes you a Happy Vasant Panchami.May the goddess of wisdom, Saraswati, bless you with knowledge, prosperity, and joy.Feb 2Feb 2
Recovery After Disc Herniation SurgeryHealing begins with rest, guided physiotherapy, and lifestyle adjustments. Most patients resume daily activities within weeks!Jan 30Jan 30
Consult Sushrut Brain and Spine for expert guidance on the best treatment for you!Types of Disc Herniation SurgeryJan 29Jan 29
Who Needs Surgery for a Herniated Disc?Not every herniated disc requires surgery. Treatment depends on the severity and symptoms. Consult with the experts at Sushrut Brain and…Jan 29Jan 29
This Republic Day, let’s celebrate the spirit of our nation and honor the ideals that make India…Sushrut Brain and Spine wishes everyone a Happy Republic Day! Let’s march forward with unity, pride, and determination toward a brighter…Jan 26Jan 26
On this #NationalVotersDay, let’s honor the power of democracy by taking the pledge to vote…Sushrut Brain and Spine encourages everyone to step forward and participate in building a stronger, brighter nation.Jan 25Jan 25
Say goodbye to back pain with Microdiscectomy — a minimally invasive solution for a healthier spine.#Microdiscectomy #SpineHealth #MinimallyInvasiveSurgery #PainRelief #SushrutBrainAndSpine #ExpertCareJan 22Jan 22
Understanding Disc Herniation Surgery is the first step toward a healthier you.#DiscHerniation #SpineCare #BrainAndSpineHealth #SushrutBrainAndSpine #ExpertCare #HealthyLivingJan 21Jan 21
Let the warmth of Lohri fill your heart with joy and the glow of the bonfire light up your life…Sushrut Brain and Spine wishes you a vibrant and prosperous Lohri filled with happiness, togetherness, and success.Jan 14Jan 14
सर्दियों में क्यों बढ़ जाता है सिरदर्द? 🧠ठंड के मौसम में सिरदर्द की समस्या बढ़ने के मुख्य कारण:Jan 11Jan 11